On September 8, UTURN gave a pitch at the Carrier Innovation Day in Hamburg. The event took place in the Digital Hub Logistics Hamburg. It was a perfect networking event where international scaleups could present themselves to the logistics (carrier) market in Hamburg.
Colleague Paul Hugenholtz was present together with our client Chilmi Chilmi Oglou from HIlMIT to explain to visitors what the UTURN platform is and what advantages the platform has for carriers in daily practice.
The Carrier Innovation Day was the perfect moment to introduce the market to UTURN. Since September 1, we have officially opened our first office in Germany, Hamburg.
Paul gave a pitch introducing UTURN and about which advantages the platfom has for carriers on a daily base. You can view the highights of the pitch
Have you become curious after seeing Paul’s pitch? Then take a look at our Carrier or Shipper page for more information.