UTURN Carrier Access
Register now and get 30 days free trial
Why carriers use us

Roy Evers
De Rijke Transport
Hilmi Kilic
Vale Logistics
Can Kartal
CNS Transport B.V.
Sander Vaane
Sander Vaane TransportHow to subscribe
Create an account within 5 minutes.
Personal demo
After approval of the documents, you get a personalised demo.
Accept an assignment
Choose the assignment that fits into your schedule, accept the price or make an offer.
Drive on!
You get to work and drive the agreed ride.
We take care of the rest and you are always paid within 30 days.
Find the answer to your question
What do I get by subscribing?
By subscribing you keep your access to all the market developments and other perks of UTURN:
Access to > 1,000 shippers in Western Europe
Everything arranged for you: from administration to sales and marketing
Guaranteed payments: always within 30 days
And more features and integrations on the UTURN-platform.
What are the payment periods?
You can choose a monthly or annual subscription. When choosing an annual subscription, you get 2 months free!
Which payment methods do you have?
We will facilitate direct debit and credit card transactions through our payment provider, Stripe. When choosing debit card a one-off payment of €0,01 or €0,02 will be debited from your bank account to verify the payment method. The amount depends on your payment method.
What happens after my 30-day free trial ends?
Your acces to the portal will be withdrawn. You will maintain access to complete your ongoing shipments and receive payment. You will also still have the ability to look into your shipment history. However, you will no longer have the ability to view or engage with shipments on the marketplace.