In the world of logistics, sustainability is a growing topic of conversation. In practice, it appears that the actual step towards sustainable choices, such as the much-discussed ‘modal shift’, is often slow, regardless of awareness of the need. That’s exactly why we decided it was time to roll up our sleeves and take action! In the 4TEURN project, we are now achieving the first CO2 reductions.
The 4TEURN project, a collaboration between 4shipping, UTURN and Erasmus University aims to make multimodal container transport more accessible and efficient than ever before. The first results are promising, says Daan Meboer (UTURN): “We see that sustainable trade-offs are being made and a modal shift is possible if we offer a suitable alternative at the right time.“
Modal shift accessible to SMEs
Whereas large parties are more likely to find their way to inland shipping, SMEs tend to have their transport carried out exclusively by truck. We think that this is where the greatest potential for modal shift lies: combining the container flows of smaller shippers.
To realise this 4TEURN offers new insights to operational decision-makers and enables real-time planning and booking of intermodal container transport. SME shippers have the opportunity to book multimodal capacity, capacity that is normally only available to big players.
Data-driven decisions
Rob Zuidwijk (Erasmus University): “By using advanced algorithms, multimodal transport options are easily calculated for the user of the UTURN platform. It always offers the best alternative based on supply and demand and indicates what flexibility can bring.”
For example: when publishing a shipment on the UTURN platform we give you the suggestion to make a small shift in the pick-up date. As a user you will directly see the difference in price and emissions. The first results show that by doing so we make transport by barge a good alternative, sustainable trade-offs are made and CO2 reductions are achieved. And, a great benefit: it also generates more margin for the customer.
Lower costs and a better environment
One of the users, Michel de Palm (Samsung SDS) recognises this: “We are impressed by the technology and insights that enable us to make the best choices at the most favourable price at any time. And as if that were not enough, we are also contributing to a more sustainable world and a better environment.“
Jeroen Markus (Van Berkel Logistics) is enthusiastic as well: “When clients are encouraged to think of multimodal options when publishing shipments, they will discover that more is possible than they initially thought. This not only helps them, but also us, as it creates additional business opportunities and helps us make our planning more efficient.”
Jan Snoeij (4Shipping) sees these smart algorithms as a great solution for barge operators: “We increase the utilisation rate of multimodal operators and optimise the booking process. The result is higher turnover and lower costs.”
So a win-win-win: for client, carrier and climate!
Experience the modal shift yourself!
In addition to working on the modal shift we have more to offer to help you achieve your sustainability goals. From smart algorithms to personalised sustainability reports, we love to tell you more! Contact our Customer Success Managers to join us in making your logistics more sustainable!
This initiative was established with the support of the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund. The REACT-EU funds were provided from a contribution to the European Union’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.