Calculating prices for the transport of containers is challenging these days. In times of great volatility and uncertainty, shippers often miss the right benchmark. UTURN responds to these signals and launches the first container price calculator.
UTURN is een logistieke tech scale-up met de focus op het optimaliseren en matchen van containertransporten in Europa. De UTURN Prijscalculator wordt op 1 december officieel gelanceerd. Met deze logistiek prijscalculator kan voor ieder transport de juiste prijs berekent worden en geeft naast een benchmark voor huidige markttarieven ook inzicht in de duur van het transport, het aantal kilometers en de Co2-uitstoot.
The price calculator calculates today’s price for container transport and shows the market development, which is more than desirable when making forecasts. To achieve this result, UTURN’s Data & Development team has processed data from hundreds of thousands of shipments into a self-learning algorithm. “The price calculator gives all shippers in Europe a valuable tool to test their prices against the market, which is just what they need in these challenging times of high volatility”, explains CCO of UTURN Niels Duijvestijn.
In the past months, more than 50 shippers, in Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, Le Havre and Barcelona have tested the UTURN Price Calculator. The prices turned out very accurate, several shippers in Europe have used the price calculator to assess their tenders.
After the launch, the UTURN Price Calculator can be used via the platform and the website. “We want to give as many shippers a chance to use the calculator, so the price calculator is offered free of charge for the first three months”, says Niels Duijvestijn.