Shipment notifier

The fastest way to find your perfect ride: get notified when a new shipment matches your conditions.


Achieve more with UTURN

  • Streamline Operations: Get more relevant shipments in less time on the platform!
  • Drive Smarter: Reduce empty kilometers and boost efficiency.
  • Boost Profits: Maximize your turnover effortlessly.
  • Plan Perfectly: Optimize your scheduling for peak performance.

Join over 1000 UTURN clients

Get started

This is how it works

  1. Go to the ‘Notifier’ page
  2. Set-up the conditions where you want to get notified for. Be aware: Less is more!
  3. Toggle the notification on when you want to receive the notifications, or define a certain period
  4. You now receive the notifications in your mailbox and/or via the mobile app

Shipment notifier, the new feature of the Uturn platform, ensures that every container carrier in Europe can match its planning as optimally as possible with the demands of their clients. One of the first users of the UTURN shipment notifier is Transport company Henk Dammes from Bleiswijk. “With all the rising transport costs, the Uturn shipment notifier is a godsend,” says Vincent Schouten, international container transport planner at Dammes.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Contact us: +31 10 310 6300 or visit the helpdesk.