
Secure capacity and pricing for your reoccurring shipments with ease. Publish your lanes, find committed carriers, and optimize operations efficiently.


Achieve more with less

  • Capacity Assurance: Ensures capacity for consistent, timely shipments.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines securing transport on fixed routes, saving time.
  • Customized Offers: Empowers shippers to tailor offers based on data on the platform.
  • Reliability: Builds trust with firm commitments for fixed transport.
  • Optimized Operations: Improves logistics efficiency for reoccurring shipments.

Join over 1000 UTURN clients

Get started

This is how it works

  1. Go to the ‘Lanes’ page

  2. Fill in the required fields and publish your lane

  3. Our Customer Success team will find the potential carriers, who can leave their capacity and quote

  4. Establish a match and seal the deal

  5. Publish the shipments from this lane once the contract start, with the contracted Carrier(s) as ‘preferred carrier’

Frequently Asked Questions

Ask us all your questions

Other questions?

Contact us: +31 10 310 6300 or visit the helpdesk.