Save with the UTURN Price Calculator

Save time and get the right market price for shunts, import and export containers instantly. Based on more than 300,000 transports in Western Europe.

Achieve more with less

  • Reduce costs with the right market price
  • Save time, make and receive quotes within a minute
  • Get benchmarks for tactical decision making

Join over 1000 UTURN clients

Get started

This is how it works

  1. Enter the location
  2. Check your fare (and duration of transport, kilometres and CO2 emissions)
  3. Post your transport on the platform or benchmark with your own carriers

Here is why shippers choose the Price Calculator

Based on more than 300.000 transports in Western Europe

Why it works for you

Based on an advanced algorithm, the Price Calculator gives you a quick and real-time price insight to either benchmark your current lanes or explore new markets. You receive the most reliable prices for import, export and shunts in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
Frequently Asked Questions

Ask us all your questions

How is the price determined?

The price of the Price Calculator is determined based on an advanced algorithm. It uses prices of past matched shipments to estimate the ‘match price’ of a new shipment. The price estimation is based on the locations of the shipment, distance and market trends. To provide the full picture you will see a low and high price estimation. This provides more context and also accounts for fluctuations in the price.

For UTURN customers, using the Price Calculator is free of charge for up to 3 requests.
Need more? These are all options:

  • Up to 3 requests: no additional costs
  • Up to 25 requests: € 39,- per month
  • Up to 70 requests + ADR + Genset transport: € 99,-. per month
  • Looking for something else? Contact us for a custom price.

If you register now we offer you a 1 month free trial with unlimited requests!

For UTURN customers, using the Price Calculator is free of charge for up to 15 requests. 
Not a UTURN customer yet? Fill in your first request here or contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.